3 days ago we first noticed the ability to share your ads account with other users via 3 permission levels– reports only, general user, and administrator. Not all accounts will have this feature enabled, but if you do have it, it will be under “settings”.
As an agency managing hundreds of Facebook pages and accounts, our opinion? It’s about time! Standard practice in Google AdWords and other PPC platforms is to allow clients to share access with their agency via the My Client Center interface, which allows many users to manage an account. Previously, you had to either create separate dummy accounts for each client (cumbersome), run them under your agency account (but then you can’t specifically share out access to particular client campaigns), or run under a personal account (yes, we know many folks that do that). In the same way that you can have multiple page admins, you can have multiple ad admins.
Facebook has made amazing progress in the last 6 months with improving their advertising tools. Here are items that would make their platform even better:
Enable frequency capping so you don’t waste inventory.
Allow negation targeting or placement targets (maybe you don’t want to run inside a poker app, for example)
Allow agencies to create multiple accounts for clients under a single domain (client1@blitzlocal.com, client2@blitzlocal.com), though there is potential for abuse here.
Provide a desktop tool like Google AdWords Editor.
Enable CPA bidding to allow for conversion optimization.
Add more metrics to the Facebook Ads API.
Reveal the ad Quality Score, like Google does.
Better UI reporting– show trends as opposed to raw output data.
If you are an agency, then the ability to manage multiple accounts has now saved you massive headaches. We look forward to Facebook adding more Google-esque features in addition to the pure social features that makes Facebook advertising so special.
Dennis Yu is CEO of BlitzLocal, a firm that specializes in Facebook advertising for brands and local advertising for yellow page category businesses.